Third Times A Charm

We have postponed starting our urban farm for 3 seasons, each time seemingly reasonable. This year I realized it was a fear of failure. Both Justin and I are recovering from perfectionism, and hate not being experts. But here is the truth as told to me by every farmer and book about farming...There will be failure! It’s how you recover. It’s how you prepare in times of prosperity. It’s the community you surround yourself with. It’s what you do for that community.

A bonus of starting this season is our children are now at a helpful age and we have intertwined building a farm into our homeschool curriculum. They are a part of the planning, budgeting and physical labor.

We also have an amazing local and online farm community. I literally couldn’t do this without their mentorship and support. 

Lastly I am passionate about food security and strengthening local food systems.

So here we go… for real this time!👩🏿‍🌾💛✨✨✨

**** These aren’t my only farming and gardening resources but their information and products are what  I lean on  frequently and consistently*** 

Black While Farming

Soul Fire Farm

Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms

Veterans to Farmers

Cornell Small Farms

Colorado State University Extension

Front Line Farming

The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer

Wild Wicks Farms

Square Foot Gardening


Our First Season In Bloom


Spring Is Here!