Spring Is Here!

Even though it’s snowing in Denver, Spring is here! We are excited to continue farming lavender and medicinal herbs in partnership with Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms. While collaborating and supporting fellow farmers who encourage self-reliance and community-resilience in Denver and abroad. Always important, especially as we all figure out how to operate in our new normal.

Stay tuned for more updates on our journey and spotlights on where you can get local farm fresh food. We are grateful to be a part of Denver's inspiring and hardworking farm cooperative The Mile-High Farmers . Check out the list of Colorado local farmers and producers. Not only do they have fresh food subscriptions/Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares. They have educational series and plant sales so you can learn about growing your own food!!!

Be well💛✨✨✨✨


Third Times A Charm


Eager and Focused